5 Tips for Shopping With Poor Body Image

Shopping with poor body image and body insecurities. This blog provides 5 tips for body image problems.

Navigating the world of fashion can be a daunting task, especially if you're struggling with body image.

For many people, the reality is that retail stores don't have clothing options that will fit their body.

For others, even the thought of facing racks of clothing, dressing room lighting and full length mirrors is enough to scrap the idea of purchasing new clothes to begin with.

If you're struggling with negative body image, we hope this blog serves as something to ground into as you make shopping a a form of self-care.

You deserve your shopping experience to be one that is affirming, inclusive and safe.

1. Lean Into Body Neutrality

Body neutrality is about finding a middle ground, or the gray area, in how we view our bodies.

Mainstream body positivity suggests that we strive to love our bodies exactly how they are in the here and now. To have a positive body image, all the time.

That can feel like a stretch (to say the least).

Instead of focusing on loving or hating your appearance, why not simply start acknowledging that you have a body.

That you have feelings about it.

That your body does, in fact, carry you through your life.

And again, that you have feelings about it.

Maybe notice what it feels like to be in your body.

Acknowledging your body's existence might seem a little basic. But, imagine claiming it as your own.

This is MY body.

Regardless of your feelings about your body, you get to decide how you care for it. How you dress it. How you show it respect. How you own that it is yours.

We know that diet and beauty culture profits off of planting seeds of shame about bodies. They keep us coming back for more- more fixes, more striving, hoping for greater belonging. This only keeps us stuck in body dissatisfaction and at times, body dysmorphic disorder,

Your body is YOURS-you are free to challenge societal expectations and beauty standards. You can view your body as a vessel. As a conduit for healing. As something that is deserving of care and respect.

2. Seek Out Inclusive Retail Spaces

We know that retail clothing options are not created equal. There are stores that put on a facade of inclusivity (looking at you old navy and aerie), but there are inclusive brands out there.

The reality is that brick and mortar is dwindling, so more inclusive brands are online. A blessing and a curse.

Here's the blessing: You get to be in your space, where you feel safe and comfortable. Without weird lighting and distorted mirrors. Taking breaks as often as you'd like to care for yourself. Putting the clothing away until you’re ready to come back to it and make compassionate decisions.

The curse: Fashion isn't as fast. Without inclusive sizing available at Target, Wal Mart or Old Navy, you can't just pop into a store and trust there will be something that you need. There is so much privilege in walking into a store, knowing they’ll have something, anything, in your size.

This needs to be named, over and over. And, we have to work to do to make changes in the system.

All of this to say, one of the most direct ways to foster a positive shopping experience is to choose stores that celebrate your body.

Brands that offer inclusive sizing and use models with diverse body types in their advertising can support you in seeing that your body is worthy of being adorned in clothing that is comfortable and representative of who you are.

3. Develop Your Personal Style

Clothing can be an opportunity to express your unique identity.

It can be a challenge, but shopping can be an invitation to channel your energy into finding pieces that resonate with your personal tastes instead of trying to fit into the latest trends.

Style is a form of self-expression; choosing clothes that represent you can increase both your confidence and comfort.

Remember, clothes are made to fit you. You were not made to fit into clothes.

If you hate crop tops, scrap them. If you love them, rock 'em! Love skinny jeans despite Gen-x'ers declaring them epically out of style? Throw them on!

You get to reject expectations and society's bid to steal your peace.

4. Arm Yourself with Your Emotional Toolbox

Preparation isn't just about knowing what you want to buy- it's also about gearing up emotionally.

Things like offering yourself compassion, setting positive intentions, repeating grounding mantras, not looking in mirrors but feeling what your clothes feel like, or even bringing along a safe friend or family member can lay a foundation of support.

Your emotional toolkit can help maintain focus on the purpose of the shopping trip and keep self-criticism at bay.

5. Prioritize Comfort and Joy

Finally, center the shopping experience around what makes you feel good.

Prioritize fabrics, cuts, and styles that bring you joy and comfort, regardless of the size on the label.

Clothing should be about enhancing your life, not constricting it. When you focus on how something makes you feel, rather than how it makes you look, you reclaim the joy of shopping.

Shopping for new clothes should not be a battle with your body image problems.

It's a chance to nurture your sense of self, to clothe your body in a way that feels right for you.

By navigating the retail world with these five tips, we hope you can turn shopping into a neutral, and at times, empowering experience.


If you're struggling with body insecurities, remember, your body deserves to be adorned in whatever feels good on your body and what makes you feel good.

If you're looking for a licensed therapist that specializes in providing body image therapy in Pennsylvania, we are are so glad you found us. We are a team of eating disorder and trauma therapists who provide body image counseling in Horsham, PA and online in Pennsylvania.

If you're hoping to develop a healthy relationship with your body, please know that you are deserving of just that. And, it's possible.


Team of body image counselors in Pennsylvania. Recovering from body insecurities is difficult, but we are here to walk you through this time with therapy for body image issues near me.

Looking for trauma therapy or eating disorder therapy in Pennsylvania?

We are a team of specialized trauma focused therapists who treat trauma, complex trauma, disordered eating, body image and grief.

We believe that all people are worthy of reclaiming their lives from the impact of diet culture, body-shame and traumatic experiences.

If you’re struggling with Complex PTSD, PTSD, an eating disorder or are looking for EMDR therapy, we hope you reach out to get started!


Reclaim You- Therapy Myths


Reclaim You- Navigating Relapse in Recovery