In Person & Online Eating Disorder Therapy in Pennsylvania

Freedom from your eating disorder is possible

Your eating disorder has become so consuming that you wonder if you’ll ever recover.

Deep down you know that there's so much more to life than obsessing over food and your body.

You're ready to find an eating disorder therapist and do the work to reclaim your life and your power.

If you’re struggling with an eating disorder, it may be time to speak with an eating disorder therapist near me who understands. The emotional overwhelm can be isolating, but eating disorder therapy near me can help.

You never meant for things to get this bad, but your obsession with food, your weight, and your appearance has spun out of control.

The drive to control the way you show up to your world has you leaning on behaviors that you know are your body and to your mind.

And, you've tried everything you can think of to stop engaging in them.

But, urges to restrict, binge, purge, and/or overexercise are intense. And you haven't been able to move through them on your own.

There's no shame in asking for support

In fact, reaching out for help is a brave first step…

And in believing in your ability to overcome your eating disorder

Eating Disorder Symptoms

Eating disorders are serious mental and physical illnesses that impact people of all ages, genders, races, backgrounds and body types. However, eating disorders are treatable illnesses, but many times go unrecognized for long periods of time. There are many different types of eating disorders, including disordered eating, which impacts approximately 75% of people who identify as women.

Common symptoms that people struggling with an eating disorder, or disordered eating,might include:

  • A preoccupation with body size and food, including calories, and macronutrients

  • Rigid food rules and rituals around meal times and food

  • Frequent body checking including weighing, use of mirrors and physical body checks

  • Withdrawal from social interactions and activities due to preoccupation with body and food

  • Cutting out entire food groups and engaging in fad-diets

  • Irregularities in, or loss of, menstrual patterns

  • Gastrointestinal complaints including constipation, upset stomach and reflux

  • Dry skin, damaged nails and hair

  • Hair loss

  • Feeling cold most of the time

  • Dizziness upon standing or changing positions

  • Problems going to sleep or staying asleep

  • Abnormalities in blood work

At Reclaim Therapy we provide specialized eating disorder therapy for anorexia, bulimia, disordered eating, binge eating disorder, orthorexia, and compulsive exercising.

  • Noticeable, often drastic, weight loss

    Obsession with food, weight, and body appearance

    Intense fear of weight gain and body changes

    Rigidity around what, how much and when food can be eaten

    Numbness to emotion and difficulty concentrating

    Abnormalities in bloodwork and irregularities in menstrual patterns.

    An anorexia therapist can help!

  • Hyper-focus on weight loss, and control of what is eaten, how much and when

    Frequent dieting attempts

    Weight cycling (also known as yo-yo dieting)

    Symptoms of anorexia, bulimia and binge eating

    Body image concerns and preoccupation with body size

  • Eating quantities of food to the point of overfullness and discomfort

    Feeling disconnected or absent from eating experiences

    Intense feelings of shame around eating patterns, especially post-binge

    Visit our binge eating specialty page for more information. Or check out our guide to[overcoming binge eating disorder for more information.

  • Purging or compensatory behaviors in attempt to prevent or control weight gain (self induced vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, over-exercise, fasting)

    Episodes of binge eating followed by episodes of purging

    Maintenance of rituals or schedules to accommodate purging

    Focus on weight loss, dieting and how the body appears

  • Hyper-focus on nutrition and health

    Rigidity around checking nutrition labels and ingredients

    Preoccupation with “health lifestyle” blogs and social media accounts

    Resistance or inability to consume foods outside of what is deemed “healthy” or “clean”

  • Rigidity around exercise schedule

    Extreme discomfort with rest or downtime

    Anxiety, irritability, depression and guilt if exercise is missed is unscheduled

    Utilization of exercise as a compensatory behavior for food consumed

    Engaging in exercise despite scheduling of important events, injury and health concerns.

Specialized Eating Disorder Treatment Can Help you Recover

Here at Reclaim Therapy, we believe that you deserve therapy for eating disorders that not only works, but is catered to your specific needs and life circumstances.

Does that mean that it will be easy? Probably not! Taking a curious look at the role that your eating disorder has played (and does play) in your life can be uncomfortable, to say the least.

Our eating disorder therapists are firmly rooted in providing trauma-informed approaches to eating disorders. We’ll work on building a relationship with you that feels strong and safe and work toward adding coping tools to your coping toolbox.

Then, we will begin working with the parts of you that are in need of healing groups from emotional overwhelm and trauma(s).

We firmly believe that people with eating disorders deserve healing.

And, that you are immeasurably worthy of living life free from the prison of body hate and obsession with food.

We’ll work with you to normalize your eating and movement patterns while doing some radical body-image work. Our hope is that you will find peace with the one thing that will carry you through this life- your body.

We’ll push you when you’re ready to be pushed (with your consent) because we have an unwavering belief that recovery is not only worth it, but is life-saving.

Our Eating Disorder Therapists Provide Trauma-Informed Approaches to Eating Disorder Therapy.

No on paper being held by person stating” you deserve recovery, you deserve peace, you deserve healing”. If you’re ready to take back control our eating disorder therapists are ready to help. Begin online eating disorder treatment in Pennsylvania vi…

Online therapy and therapy in Horsham, PA modalities we use:

Get started with Eating Disorder Therapy Near Me

Therapy for eating disorders can help you stop feeling like you are powerless against your eating disorder. Our Pennsylvania eating disorder treatment center has eating disorder therapists who are ready to help you reclaim your peace around your emotions, food, and your body.

To get started, follow these steps:

step 1

Contact Reclaim Therapy for a free consultation call

step 2

Meet with one of our Eating Disorder Therapists! Together you’ll tackle your relationship with food and your body.

step 3

Find freedom from your eating disorder! Unapologetically caring for yourself and living your life from a value-driven, wholehearted place.


Laptop on wooden desk with wide coffee cup nearby. Having easy access to an eating disorder therapist near me is important. We provide eating disorder therapy near me and have eating disorders therapist near me available.


Reclaim Therapy provides eating disorder therapy. Having easy access to an eating disorder therapist near me is important. We provide eating disorder therapy near me and have eating disorders therapist near me available.
The Reclaim Therapy team of licensed therapists in Pennsylvania. We provide treatment for eating disorders, body image and trauma.

At Reclaim Therapy in Horsham, PA we specialize in helping people start or progress in eating disorder recovery.

We are here to help you reclaim your life from disordered eating and body-shame.

We want to help you see and believe that you can live a full life and overcome anorexia, binge eating disorder, orthorexia and/or bulimia..

Together we'll find the tools to help you overcome urges to engage in disordered eating, learn to express and be with your emotions in ways that serve you, and start seeing and believing that you are so much more than your eating disorder.

Looking for a different kind of support?

We provide specialized support for Pennsylvania residents for body image concerns, binge eating therapy, and trauma treatment and grief counseling. All of our services are offered via online therapy in Pennsylvania, so you can get therapy support anywhere in the state. You deserve to reclaim your life from your eating disorder. We’ll be here when you’re ready to get started!