Coping With Weight Gain- Eating Disorder Therapy Near Me Can Help

Reclaim therapy is a group of eating disorder therapists near me. We provide specialized eating disorder treatment for anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, orthorexia and compulsive exercise.

On the our most recent episode of the Reclaim You podcast, we dove into a topic that resonates so many people on the journey to recovery– coping with weight gain. In today’s blog post we’re summarizing the episode with the intention of supporting you to begin to cope with weight gain in recovery from an eating disorder.

1. Accepting weight gain in recovery is hard work.

In the realm of recovery from an eating disorder, it's important to understand that weight gain is a natural part of the healing process, regardless of your eating disorder. As Laura points out, "the odds are that it's going to happen." This acceptance marks a significant step toward recovery, acknowledging that weight gain is not a setback but a sign of healing throughout eating disorder treatment near me.

Often the first step in acceptance is accepting that you don’t want to accept weight gain.

2. The impact of diet culture

Our society is saturated in diet culture, bombarding us with messages that thinness equates worthiness. Sarah and Laura acknowledge how these external pressures can make it challenging to embrace weight gain and a changing body when we have to live in a culture constantly villianizing fat. Diet culture is everywhere – from advertisements to social media – and it perpetuates stigma against bodies. Overtime, resilience to diet culture’s lure grows, and you have more space to shift toward your values and what is most important to you in recovery.

3. The role of eating disorders as coping mechanisms

Eating disorders often develop as coping mechanisms to numb or distract from underlying emotional issues, including trauma. As Sarah and Laura stress, these disorders are symptoms and strategies to manage internal experiences. Over time, understanding this, and getting curiou about the utility of your eating disorder, allows you to focus on healing core issues and begin healing from within. By slowly processing the emotional challenges that underlie your eating disorder, you can begin to shift toward living from the inside out.

4. Creating a safe space for feeling

Creating a safe space for yourself to reconnect with your body and emotions is an ongoing step in recovery. Sarah and Laura acknowledge that this process can be uncomfortable, but it's also liberating to begin to connect to the inner workings of your body, instead of remaining focused on the image of your body.

5. Addressing fat phobia and internalized biases

Sarah and Laura share about fat phobia and internalized anti-fat biases, which are prevalent in our culture. These biases can profoundly affect how we view ourselves and our bodies, often stalling or slowing recovery from disordered eating. Sarah and Laura emphasize the importance of working on dismantling these biases with self-compassion.

6. The power of embracing change

The podcast episode concludes with a powerful message of hope and transformation. Embracing change, including the changes in your body, can lead to a life free from the constraints of diet culture. It offers space for joy, authentic relationships, and personal growth. As Sarah beautifully puts it, "We get to empower ourselves to reclaim our lives each day." Every day presents an opportunity for growth, healing, and empowerment. Embrace the change, and you'll discover a new sense of freedom and authenticity within yourself.

Coping with weight gain during your recovery journey is a profound experience that invites understanding, patience, and self-compassion. Throughout this episode, Sarah and Laura hope to provide some support through this challenging terrain with wisdom and warmth, reminding you that your worth is not defined by your appearance.

Rather, it's about reclaiming the life you deserve – a life filled with self-acceptance, inner healing, and the freedom to be authentically you.

Remember, you’re not alone in this.

Surrounding yourself with supportive communities, eating disorder therapists near me, and dietitians who can help you navigate the ups and downs of recovery.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and remember that your journey to reclaiming yourself is a courageous and beautiful one. You've got this.


Reclaim Therapy team signature. Reclaim therapy is a team of eating disorder therapists near me.
Picture of the Reclaim Therapy team. Reclaim therapy provides eating disorder therapy in Pennsylvania and in Horsham, PA

Reclaim Therapy provides eating disorder treatment near me.

Our team of eating disorder therapists provide eating disorder therapy near me. If you’re looking for specialized, trauma focused treatment for your eating disorder, we’re glad you’re here! We’re passionate about helping people reclaim their lives from disordered eating and diet culture so that they can live a value driven and unapologetically authentic life.

We want you to know that you deserve freedom from your eating disorder. You deserve to experience pleasure and joy in your body, right her, right now.


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Reclaim You- How to Cope With Gaining Weight