Online Coaching for Body Image and Binge Eating

Reclaim your power and your life from binge eating and emotional eating.

STOP feeling so damn crazy about and around food.

Make peace with your body.

Live a life of wellness- mind, body, and spirit.

Body Image and Binge Eating Coaching

one on one online coaching for women

Individualized intuitive eating coaching and body image coaching for women struggling with dieting cycles, binge, and emotional eating.

Group Body Image Coaching and Binge Eating Online Coaching

the dieter’s rebellion group

13-week online coaching group for women struggling with body image, dieting cycles, and binge eating.

Online Coaching FAQ's

+ Who do your online coaches work with?

We work with adults who struggle with body image, disordered eating and specialize in binge eating, emotional eating, and putting an end to dieting cycles.

Our online coaching sessions draw from the principles of intuitive eating and the health at every size philiosophy to help pepole create sustainable behavior changes that are health promoting.

We provide counseling services to residents of Pennsylvania and online coaching services to people nationally and internationally.

+ Who is online coaching for?

Online coaching is for anyone who is ready to make actionable change in their life to reach their goals. We offer non-diet, body image and intuitive eating online coaching to help women create and sustain a positive relationship with their body and with food.

People who engage and thrive in a coaching relationship are typically focused on creating and maintaining motivation for change, exploring obstacles to change, and creating plans for change.

There are no geographic limitations! We'll meet online through a secure platform and will keep in touch throughout the week by email.

+ Who isn't online coaching for?

Online coaching with Reclaim isn't a good fit for people who are looking for a weight loss plan or diet, who aren't ready to shift away from striving for intentional weight loss and body change, or who are actively struggling with an eating disorder.

+ How long are coaching sessions?


Weekly 50 minute coaching sessions through a secure video conferencing platform (zoom), homework, and access to your coach by email during business hours throughout the week.

Group Coaching

Weekly 60 minute group calls, a secret Facebook group and access to Sarah by email during business hours throughout the week.

+ What are your fees?


Initial phone consult (15 min)- Free

Per session cost- $150

8 and 12 week coaching packages available. Please contact Sarah for details. monthly & weekly payment plans available

Group Coaching Program

Phone consultation (15 min)- Free

13 Week Coaching Program- $650

+ When is payment due?

The fee for your session will be collected at, or before, the time of service.

+ What type of payment do you accept?

I accept cash, check, debit, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express

+ Do you accept insurance?

Online coaching is not a reimbursed by insurance companies.

Sarah H, an online therapist and online coach in Pennsylvania. When you’re ready to begin taking control of body image issues or eating, find an eating coach near me “19044”. Online coaching in Pennsylvania is a great space to gain healthy coping me…

I’m a therapist, Body Trust® provider and certified Intuitive Eating coach.

My passion is helping people who identify as women drop the shame and blame about and around their bodies, so they can reconnect.

Reconnect to their lives, their passions, their innate worthiness and their badassery.

I provide coaching services to help women have the concrete support they need to step into their power around food and in their bodies.

Because ya’ll, your body is powerful. Not flawed. Not broken.

It’s complex. It has your back. And it’s capable of helping you heal.

Online Coaching Interest Form

please share your information below

I’ll be in touch within 24 hours to confirm your spot on the waitlist!

Other services reclaim therapy offers

Online coaching is really powerful, but sometimes it’s not exactly what you need. We offer a variety of supportive services through our in-person and online therapy practice in Pennsylvania. Our mental health professionals offer PTSD treatment and trauma therapy, EMDR therapy, binge eating therapy, body image therapy, and eating disorder therapy. All of our services are offered at our Horsham, PA office and online. Our online therapy services are available to anyone in Pennsylvania, and our coaching services are available to anyone regardless of location. Let us help you reclaim your wholeness so you can start living the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Join The Reclaim You Newsletter

Sign up for weekly(ish) insights, stories tips and tools to support you in Reclaiming YOU in the wake of trauma, disordered eating and body-shame